ADULTS can support Bullseye Running by joining the club/team for 2025 for $44 between 12/30/24 and 2/22/25. Click HERE to join. Supporting Bullseye all year round as you run and enjoy life is sincerely appreciated. Would love to have you run the 10 Mile Club Challenge at the end of February with us for free if you want. Email with any questions!
Some have asked to join Bullseye Running, we are a RRCA club and you will also become a member. We are a USATF club and you can become a USATF member on the Bullseye Running club if you want to by individually joining the USATF and putting in the Bullseye Running club number (10-1173).
Many athletes that have been apart of the Bullseye Running group have performed quite well over the years and still are and we are proud to say Kyle Stanton, Mack McLain, Izudin Mehmedovic, Katie Harman, Craig Morgan, Hannah Mansbach, Gary Smolyak, EJ Douglass, Gretchen Tucker, Pat Huffman, Karen Harvey, Sol Windsor, Jeffrey Sham, Michael and Kevin Wegner, Julia and Cara Nardone, Joseph Keating, Tiffany and Brittany Lang, Caragh McDermott, Corey Hamilton, Sean Kirby, Danny Rau, Eric Schuler, Julie, Amy and Becky Gessler, Hannah Oneda, Nicole Dawson, Cindy Alms, Karli Smiraglia, Kelsey White, Amari Wilson, Ted Benoit, Joey Navarro, Tom Brumbaugh, Bryce Rosicky, Kevin Payne, Taylor Scaife, Sam Tvardzik, Sarah Kenney, Mark Buschman, Carlos Renjifo, Tom Williams, Ben Thomas, Phil Rogers, Brian Fleming, Camden Gilmore, Anders and Mats Chattin, Emily Elkonoh, Amy Kaiser-Jones, Chris Heydrick, Jamila Brown, Noah and Logan Kim, Mark Gilmore, Chris Clark, Gabriel Rodriguez, Matt Pacheco, Conrad Orloff, Majid Waheed, Kyle Andrews, Jason Tripp, Seth Geoghegan, Brian Shadrick, Cameron Vereen, Andre Turay, Mairin Leahy, Paul Hugus, Michael Stetson, Ted Terpos, Mary Gorsky, Kiley Mann, Frankie Moore, Gabrielle Shord, Leah Stephens, Baidy Ba, Aiden Neal, Kendall Phillips, Judson Lincoln, Carter Knox, Wren and Robin Kucler, Lauren and Marella Virmani, Robbie Creese, Mark Eagles, Ella Lustig, Derek Locktish, Ava Carr and many others have not been afraid to put a Bullseye on their back but are quite honored to.