Savage 7k

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Built of stone from the Little Patuxent River, Baldwin Hall has served as the community center of Savage, Maryland for over a century. Funds from the event will support upcoming projects to preserve this historic gem, such as refurbishing exterior doors and the fireplace. Please come for an autumn run or walk through our community, and enjoy music and homemade baked goods!

Registration is limited to 200, so sign up early!


Time & Location:  Sunday, October 27, 8:00 am at Baldwin Hall, 9035 Baltimore St, Savage, MD


Course:  7K Run begins at Baldwin Hall and runs past Savage Mill, then through Savage Park and surrounding neighborhoods before returning to the Hall. Walk is a guided tour through historic Savage.


Registration Fee:  Register online at for $30 through Aug. 31; $35 through Oct. 25; $40 at packet pick-up or day-of.


Packet Pickup:  Feet First Sports on Oct. 26 from 1:00-3:00 pm; Baldwin Hall 7:00-7:45 am on event day.


7K Awards:  For top 2 runners in each of the following categories (M&F): Overall, 19 and under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 and 60-69, and 70 and above. T-shirts for all runners and walkers who register by Oct. 14.